Why Hire an Independent Agronomist?


Eagle Eye Agronomy is a service only company and collects no commissions from chemical or seed companies. As such, we evaluate farm inputs in an unbiased fashion, because we serve the farm and producer, not the products. We will make our recommendations based on both agronomic and economic factors because recommendations written solely to achieve high yield are not necessarily practical or economical. We will strive to help you make decisions that are economically sound from year to year and field to field.

  • Irrigation Timing Consulting

    Crop water availability and the timing of irrigation can make a substantial difference in the yield potential of your crop. Water needs for various crops change drastically over the growing season. We are happy to help you to be as efficient as possible with your farm’s irrigation practices.

  • Soil Sampling and Analysis

    Effective nutrient management is critical for successful crop production. A simple soil test can provide incredible insight on what nutrients are lacking or in excess in your field. A conventional soil test takes 10-15 samples throughout a field, however, we are also equipped to conduct more complicated soil testing, such as zone or grid soil sampling methods.

  • Integrated Pest Management IPM

    IPM involves multiple steps throughout the year. Some pest problems can be solved with planning and preparation. We will regularly monitor your fields to determine the types of pests that are present and their incidence and severity. If thresholds are met, we can provide advice on the proper chemical product, rate and timing of treatment.

  • Plant Tissue Sampling

    Of all factors that affect crop quality and yield, fertility is the most important. A plant tissue analysis will show the nutrient status of a plant at the time of sampling, which in turn allows for cross reference as to whether or not soil nutrients are adequate. Tissue samples can also detect deficiencies that are not able to be seen with a visual inspection. Tissue samples are a valuable tool for correcting nutrient problems in both the present and the future.

  • Weed Management

    While this service could be considered a part of IPM, I believe it deserves a mention of its own. As I’m sure you are already aware, weed resistance to herbicides is growing fast. We may not have all the answers, but we will work hard to develop the right chemistry and combination on your operation to control the unwanted vegetation before it negatively impacts your yields.

  • Forage Quality Testing

    Testing forage quality is important whether you plan to keep the forage for your own livestock or market it to others. Testing helps to match the forage to animal requirements, improve ration efficiency and provide a better estimate of quality than visual assessment alone. Testing will also help you market your forage because potential buyers will have a clear idea of quality and nutrient value.